All 2021 PHC publications will be released online here
Message from the Chief Census Officer
Thank you for getting counted
The information you provided has been anonymized and aggregated into statistics that will provide information to guide decision-making by a variety of stakeholders including ministries, departments, and agencies (MDAs); Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) private sector; civil society organisations; religious institutions; research and academia; and development partners. Be rest assured that all answers provided to Enumerators are being kept strictly confidential per Statistical Service Act, 2019 (Act 1003) which guides the conduct of censuses.
We express our appreciation to all persons – census committees, census partners, census officials, field officers, monitors, the media, stakeholders – who availed themselves for this important national exercise to help make this census a success.
This census, the nation’s first fully digital census and one conducted amidst the COVID-19 pandemic was one filled with many prospects and some challenges. We have chronicled our journey and the innovations instituted to ensure a successful exercise. We invite you to explore our website to learn more about the 2021 PHC and visit the dissemination tab to access the census data products that will be released in the coming months and years.
Our hope is for the census data products to be used for the data for research, policy-making and planning to solve the nation’s development challenges. This census is estimated to produce at least 2.6 million disaggregated indicators to be used for the formulation of policies and the monitoring of both national and international development goals.
Census news

Ghana Stats App Launched
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Highlights from 2021 PHC Thematic Brief on Child Marriage
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Team Badwenba from the University of Cape Coast wins National StatsBank Hackathon
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Upcoming releases
2021 Census spotlight
Census Products

Statistics presented in interactive and user-friendly ways to suit the diverse needs of data users
Thematic Areas
The 2021 PHC household questionnaire featured 10 modules that collected detailed information on demographic, social, economic and housing characteristics.